On a sufficiently powerful PC, UAE will give you quite an authentic flashback into the past.

Use the tips below to maximize the performance of your emulated Amiga.


As a rule of thumb, WinUAE needs 60+Z3+Chip+Fast+Picasso96 MB of system memory. Memory is allocated dynamically. This means you can select 512MB Z3 memory, which will only be used when needed.
Make sure that the used RAM on your computer is always well below the amount of physical memory it has, otherwise the operating system has to swap the data to the hard disk if it runs out of RAM, which is a huge performance hit.
Also try to activate "Suspend to Disk" mode. If you do, do not forget to use the timehack to set the Amiga clock to a correct value.


When using Workbench, it is strongly recommended to make use of WinUAE's Picasso96 support. Using this, you can utilize the power of your computer's graphics card to display higher resolutions, more colors, and give all graphics output a significant speedup.

Read more details about the correct usage on the Picasso96 page.


Again, if you are using the Workbench, it is recommended to use AHI as your preferred sound interface.
For a further speedup, use ahitweak. Increase the poll rate (the rate WinUAE checks for sound buffers). You may also try to adjust the sound buffer size in the Sound tab.


It is recommended to install the AmigaOS and programs on a hardfile, so the access and backup can be done quickly. To store pictures and other data, you may use a Windows directory for easier data exchange with the PC.
Transferring data from/to a hardfile can done by simply copying it, so you don't have to install all your Amiga stuff again.

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