WinUAE - Pri. & Extensions

When Active

Run at priority Choose which priority WinUAE should have when it's window is active. Depending on which other programs are running on the host, this should be set to Normal or higher.
Pause emulation Pause the emulation if mouse is uncaptured.
Disabled sound Disable the sound if mouse is uncaptured.
Disable game controllers Disable any game controllers if mouse is uncaptured.
Disable keyboard Disable the keyboard if mouse if mouse is uncaptured.

When Inactive

Run at priority Choose which priority WinUAE should have when it's window is in the background. To save processing time, this should be set to Below Normal or lower.
Pause emulation will completely halt emulation
Disable sound turns off audio output
Disable game controllers will disable inputs from game controllers

When Minimized

These options are identical to the ones in the Inactive section, but they only apply when the window has been minimized, and isn't just in the background.

File Extension Associations

File associations enable double click functionality in Windows, and can be changed by either double clicking an entry in the list or using the Associate all and Disassociate all buttons. An asterisk indicates that the file extension is associated with WinUAE.

These extensions are known by WinUAE:




Configuration file for WinUAE


Amiga disk format image


Amiga disk format image compressed


Disk masher format image


Floppy disk image


Image preservation format


UAE save state file

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